225 Motivational Quotes To Inspire Students and Teachers Every Day
Wise words. Wise words. Classroom Ideas, Motivating Students, Motivational Quotes, Positive School Culture We Are Teachers
Wise words. Wise words. Classroom Ideas, Motivating Students, Motivational Quotes, Positive School Culture We Are Teachers
Reading time, 2 minutes: Can artificial intelligence help teachers unlock the secrets of how the brain learns? Neuroeducation, powered by AI, offers personalised learning strategies grounded in neuroscience, making classrooms more inclusive, engaging, and effective. This systematic review, Artificial Intelligence in Neuroeducation (Shiwlani et al., 2024), explores how AI tools such as adaptive learning platforms,…
As the lines further blur between media and journalism, between real and fake, and sources become more obscure, there may be no greater imperative for educators than helping students navigate the evolving landscape of information. At FETC, Liz Collins, a senior product manager for K-12 at Gale, part of Cengage Group, is sharing best practices…
AI can’t replace teachers, but it can support them. Merlyn, a voice-controlled AI classroom assistant from Merlyn Mind, is designed to help teachers and students stay engaged and focused. Merlyn empowers teachers to move around the classroom and manage classroom technology seamlessly, keeping distractions to a minimum and ensuring teachers and students remain connected. Its…
A few weeks ago, I went to my daughter’s open house at her high school and had a chance to meet her teachers. One teacher stood out to me from what he said about “wanting to be genuine” with his students as much as possible because that would create a more effective learning environment for…
I’ve written a lot over the years about the extraordinary work peer tutors do in my ELL Newcomers class and my ELL Intermediate class (when I teach it). You can see many of those pieces at THE BEST RESOURCES ON PEER TUTORS. We’re ending the first semester this week, and I asked the twenty-five of…
Eight years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2021. Also, check out…
Ten years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “Ed Tech Digest” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps. You might also be interested in checking…
Key points: The cost barriers of actually attending college remain stacked far too high Students want more career-connected learning Students need clarity on their postsecondary pathways For more on college readiness, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has long been the starting line for millions of students on…
Key points: Generative AI is redefining educator professional development by offering tools and strategies to create smarter, more impactful learning opportunities Teachers: It’s time to make friends with AI A look at one school’s innovative approach to PD For more on AI in education, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping…