Benjamina Ebuehi’s recipe for blackberry and peanut butter tart | The sweet spot

Benjamina Ebuehi’s recipe for blackberry and peanut butter tart | The sweet spot

Grated apple and fresh blackberries bubbling under a lid of peanut butter crumble

I’ve got a similar recipe to this tart in my most recent cookbook. That version includes a rich peanut frangipane and is studded with fresh blackberries for something that is decidedly nut-forward. This recipe, however, leans much more to the fruity side, with the peanut butter crumble playing second fiddle to the blackberry and apple filling. A perfect choice for an end of summer, early autumn pudding.

Continue reading… Grated apple and fresh blackberries bubbling under a lid of peanut butter crumble I’ve got a similar recipe to this tart in my most recent cookbook. That version includes a rich peanut frangipane and is studded with fresh blackberries for something that is decidedly nut-forward. This recipe, however, leans much more to the fruity side, with the peanut butter crumble playing second fiddle to the blackberry and apple filling. A perfect choice for an end of summer, early autumn pudding. Continue reading… Pie, Autumn food and drink, Dessert, Food, Baking, Fruit, Summer food and drink 

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