Escoffier himself would be proud of this baked take on his classic dessert
I love meringue in all its forms: baked until crisp, blowtorched and even poached. Here, it’s thick, gooey and sits on top of a fruity filling and buttery sponge. Peach melba is such a classic, and when summer rolls around I incorporate the flavours into as many desserts as possible. It works a treat in this cake, cutting through the sweet topping.
Continue reading… Escoffier himself would be proud of this baked take on his classic dessertI love meringue in all its forms: baked until crisp, blowtorched and even poached. Here, it’s thick, gooey and sits on top of a fruity filling and buttery sponge. Peach melba is such a classic, and when summer rolls around I incorporate the flavours into as many desserts as possible. It works a treat in this cake, cutting through the sweet topping. Continue reading… Cake, Food, Baking, Dessert, Fruit, Summer food and drink