Struggling to fit everything in? Here’s how to cross off all the jobs on your list … without really trying
‘If you get a tough job … and you haven’t got a way to make it easy, put a lazy man on it,” a Chrysler executive named Clarence Bleicher once explained to a US Senate committee on productivity. “After 10 days, he will have an easy way to do it.”
That quote is often misattributed to Walter Chrysler or Bill Gates. I know this because, fundamentally, I am a lazy man: left to my own devices, I will happily spend 20 minutes on Quote Investigator rather than hoovering the living room or, er, writing a feature about productivity.
Continue reading… Struggling to fit everything in? Here’s how to cross off all the jobs on your list … without really trying‘If you get a tough job … and you haven’t got a way to make it easy, put a lazy man on it,” a Chrysler executive named Clarence Bleicher once explained to a US Senate committee on productivity. “After 10 days, he will have an easy way to do it.”That quote is often misattributed to Walter Chrysler or Bill Gates. I know this because, fundamentally, I am a lazy man: left to my own devices, I will happily spend 20 minutes on Quote Investigator rather than hoovering the living room or, er, writing a feature about productivity. Continue reading… Productivity, Business, Work & careers, Guardian Careers, Life and style