A big new study has just been published in Nature that highlights the importance of non-cognitive elements like motivation and self-control to academic achievement which, according to the study, increase as children grow older.
However, the same study talks a lot more about how those non-cognitive skills are connected to genetics than it does to the environment.
I’ll be the first to admit that really understanding everything in the study, Genetic associations between non-cognitive skills and academic achievement over development (which is not behind a paywall), is far beyond my abilities. You can also read a summary of it at Science Daily.
I get very nervous when researchers try to start making new connections between behavior and genetics. It can go down a dark path quickly, which you can read more about at The Best Posts On The Nature/Nurture Debate.
Despite those misgivings, for now at least, I’m adding this study to The Best Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources.
A big new study has just been published in Nature that highlights the importance of non-cognitive elements like motivation and self-control to academic achievement which, according to the study, increase as children grow older. However, the same study talks a lot more about how those non-cognitive skills are connected to genetics than it does research studies, SEL Update Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…