Bushwick is a dizzying, thrilling place to be.
At Maria Hernandez park men pack into the volleyball courts, shouting over matches in Spanish, while children chase soccer balls around shirtless skateboarders. Reggaeton plays from passing cars and techno leaks out of nightclubs under the M train. Recent art school grads throw rooftop parties and split rent four ways, and European tourists roam the neighborhood’s industrial sections to snap photos of street art.
Continue reading… Bushwick is a dizzying, thrilling place to be.At Maria Hernandez park men pack into the volleyball courts, shouting over matches in Spanish, while children chase soccer balls around shirtless skateboarders. Reggaeton plays from passing cars and techno leaks out of nightclubs under the M train. Recent art school grads throw rooftop parties and split rent four ways, and European tourists roam the neighborhood’s industrial sections to snap photos of street art. Continue reading… New York, Brooklyn, Gentrification, Fashion, US news, Kamala Harris, Life and style, Cities, Social media, Club culture, Clubbing, Music, TikTok