Reading time, 2 minutes: What happens if students ignore the small rules that make schools work — and why does it matter? A lack of clarity when enforcing small rules, such as wearing jackets inside the school building, weakens overall behaviour management and classroom authority. This leads to greater challenges for teachers when students start to spot the weak […] Reading time, 2 minutes: What happens if students ignore the small rules that make schools work — and why does it matter? A lack of clarity when enforcing small rules, such as wearing jackets inside the school building, weakens overall behaviour management and classroom authority. This leads to greater challenges for teachers when students start to spot the weak Behaviour, Leadership (Senior), School Policies, behaviour management, Behaviour Policy, Behaviour Strategies, classroom discipline, classroom expectations, classroom routines, Cognitive Science, coherence, consistency, low-level disruption, minimal intervention, mirror neurons, Neuroeducation, non-verbal behaviour, positive behaviour, Positive Reinforcement, school culture, School Improvement, school leadership, school policies, school rules, staffroom culture, Student behaviour, Student Engagement, teacher consistency, Teacher Training, teacher workload, teaching strategies TeacherToolkit
“Can You Take Your Jacket Off Please?”