£450 ‘brain-stimulating’ headband cuts period pain by half, fights PMS and boosts low mood, claim makers… but does it really work? We ask the experts

£450 ‘brain-stimulating’ headband cuts period pain by half, fights PMS and boosts low mood, claim makers… but does it really work? We ask the experts

The device, worn as a headband, zaps the brain for 20 minutes with small electrical pulses to block pain signals. This, in theory, targets menstrual pain and cramping. The device, worn as a headband, zaps the brain for 20 minutes with small electrical pulses to block pain signals. This, in theory, targets menstrual pain and cramping.  

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How Reliant Is the U.S. on Avocados From Mexico?

A temporary halt on inspections by U.S.D.A. workers in Mexico on safety concerns highlighted how dependent the United States had become on one region for supplies of the popular fruit. Mexico, Avocados, International Trade and World Market, Agriculture and Farming, Supply Chain, Agriculture Department, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Avocados From Mexico, United States, United…

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If Not President Biden, Then Who?

Democrats and donors are pondering who could be the best alternative to take on Donald Trump after faltering attempts to calm nerves following last week’s debate. internal-storyline-no Democrats and donors are pondering who could be the best alternative to take on Donald Trump after faltering attempts to calm nerves following last week’s debate. NYT > Business

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What Sets Genius Teams Apart

A look at the psychology of the most effective executive teams. Collaboration and teams, Teams, Psychology, Power and influence, Interpersonal skills, Interpersonal communication, Difficult conversations, Managing conflicts, Digital Article  A look at the psychology of the most effective executive teams.  HBR.org

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