Zelenskiy to attend UK cabinet meeting in effort to disrupt Russian oil sales

Zelenskiy to attend UK cabinet meeting in effort to disrupt Russian oil sales

Ukraine, Russia, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Europe, World news, Keir Starmer, Oil, Vladimir Putin, Business, Commodities, Politics, UK news Business | The Guardian ​Ukraine’s president will ask for more help to block Putin’s growing ‘shadow fleet’ of tankers carrying sanctioned crude to buyersThe Ukrainian president, Volodmyr Zelenskiy, will attend an extraordinary meeting of the British cabinet on Friday…

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Netflix adds 8 million subscribers due in part to success of Baby Reindeer and Bridgerton

Netflix adds 8 million subscribers due in part to success of Baby Reindeer and Bridgerton

Netflix, Media, Business, Baby Reindeer, Bridgerton Business | The Guardian ​Streaming service’s ad-supported subscription and live event streaming saw revenue reach $9.5bn in latest quarterThe international success of hits including Baby Reindeer and Bridgerton helped Netflix gain another quarter of revenue increases, as the streaming giant continued to draw in subscribers with ad-supported subscriptions and live…

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Bamburgh judged UK’s best seaside destination by Which? readers for fourth year

Bamburgh judged UK’s best seaside destination by Which? readers for fourth year

Northumberland, Wales, Scotland, Travel, North of England, Lincolnshire, Consumer affairs, Business, UK news Business | The Guardian ​Northumbrian village was named as nation’s favourite, just ahead of Portmeirion and St AndrewsBamburgh, the Northumbrian village known for its sprawling sand dunes and imposing castle, has retained its title as the UK’s best seaside destination for the fourth…

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Solar power becoming standard even in UK’s soggy summer

Solar power becoming standard even in UK’s soggy summer

Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, UK weather, Solar power, Environment, Household bills, Money, UK news, Energy bills, Consumer affairs, Energy Business | The Guardian ​Previously the idea was to sell electricity back to the grid, now the object is to power all of a household’s needsWhen solar panels were first sold in large numbers and heavily subsidised…

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