‘Lego Batman’ producer, then Treasury sec?

Treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin is an executive producer on Warner Bros.’ “The Lego Batman Movie,” which pulled in an estimated $55.6 million from U.S. audiences during its opening weekend.  Treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin is an executive producer on Warner Bros.’ “The Lego Batman Movie,” which pulled in an estimated $55.6 million from U.S. audiences…

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Cutting down trash with bamboo packaging

Universal Biopack makes packaging that it sells to restaurants and manufacturers. But rather than plastic, it uses a mixture of bamboo and cassava.  Universal Biopack makes packaging that it sells to restaurants and manufacturers. But rather than plastic, it uses a mixture of bamboo and cassava. World business news – CNNMoney.com

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Trump brand takes another hit

Sears Holdings, the company that owns retail stores Sears and Kmart, said this weekend that it would remove 31 Trump-branded items from its website.  Sears Holdings, the company that owns retail stores Sears and Kmart, said this weekend that it would remove 31 Trump-branded items from its website. World business news – CNNMoney.com

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