‘Dream come true’ drug extends women’s fertility by five years… and it’s already available on the NHS

‘Dream come true’ drug extends women’s fertility by five years… and it’s already available on the NHS

Researchers at Columbia University in the US say an existing immunosuppressant drug could extend women’s fertility by five years and have said it is ‘a dream come true’. Researchers at Columbia University in the US say an existing immunosuppressant drug could extend women’s fertility by five years and have said it is ‘a dream come true’.  

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Hone your sixth sense with martial arts and dance | Letters

Hone your sixth sense with martial arts and dance | Letters

Readers respond to an article on the power of proprioception Proprioception doesn’t have to be restricted to the individual, nor are ideas of senses outside the classical five restricted to the modern day (The power of proprioception: how to improve your ‘sixth sense’ – and become healthier and happier, 18 July). I’m a medieval historian…

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