Young people are even MORE vulnerable to cannabis harms than previously thought, British research finds, as the drug eclipses alcohol use for the first time in the US

Scientists who tracked more than 100 adults and children in London, found teens who used the drug reported far worse problems with memory and concentration. Scientists who tracked more than 100 adults and children in London, found teens who used the drug reported far worse problems with memory and concentration.  

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Senate Inquiry Finds BMW Imported Cars Tied to Forced Labor in China

The report also found that Jaguar Land Rover and Volkswagen bought parts from a supplier the U.S. government had singled out for its practices in Xinjiang. Automobiles, Forced Labor, Human Rights and Human Rights Violations, United States Politics and Government, Supply Chain, Factories and Manufacturing, International Trade and World Market, Uighurs (Chinese Ethnic Group), China, Xinjiang…

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