As avian flu hops to cows and at least two humans, migrant farm workers are at risk

Farm animals, Farming, Bird flu, Flu pandemic, Environment, Health, US immigration, US news Business | The Guardian ​Officials are now incentivizing testing, but experts say workers need protective equipment and paid sick leave to prevent further spreadOn a US dairy farm, working in the milking parlor can mean seven-day weeks, 12-hour shifts and intimate contact with…

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Singapore Airlines plane dropped 54 metres in seconds, flight data shows

Singapore, Air transport, Asia Pacific, World news Business | The Guardian ​Investigation report says aircraft ‘experienced a rapid change in gravitational force’ during turbulenceThe Singapore Airlines flight hit by severe turbulence last week dropped 54 metres in altitude in less than five seconds, preliminary findings from an investigation show.A 73-year-old British passenger died of a suspected…

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