Educators outline 5 priorities for the new school year

Educators outline 5 priorities for the new school year

Key points: AI, well-being, and career readiness take top billing for educators Back-to-school predictions for the 2024-2025 year 4 educator reflections on the 2023-2024 school year For more news on teaching trends, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub With a new school year comes new priorities for educators and students alike. Teaching is evolving at a…

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The joy of teaching and educator well-being  

The joy of teaching and educator well-being  

Key points: It’s critical that educators focus on supporting teacher well-being 5 ways to restore your passion for teaching Key strategies for education leaders to boost morale For more news on teacher well-being, visit eSN’s SEL & Well-Being hub Across the country, teachers like you are decorating classrooms, creating lesson plans, and preparing for new…

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The Next Horizon

By: Sujata Bhatt America’s education system was a groundbreaking effort to help a growing nation thrive in the 19th century. Now, 200 years later, the world has changed; the horizon looks drastically different. Collectively, we need to redesign our education system to enable all of our children — and, by extension, our nation —  to…

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Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL

Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL

Eight years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2021. Also, check out…

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Rediscovering Opera’s Hidden Gems: Bard SummerScape’s Musical Time Machine

In an age where opera houses often play it safe with crowd-pleasing favorites, Bard College’s SummerScape festival stands out as a daring time machine, transporting audiences to forgotten corners of operatic history. This year, nestled in the picturesque Hudson Valley, opera enthusiasts and newcomers alike found themselves immersed in two rarely performed masterpieces: Meyerbeer’s “Le…

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