A Contentious Pay Cut at Maricopa Community Colleges

A Contentious Pay Cut at Maricopa Community Colleges Sara Weissman Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Some of the college district’s adjunct librarians and counselors have been fighting a pay cut intended to bring their wages closer to that of other adjunct faculty. Byline(s) Sara Weissman A Contentious Pay Cut at Maricopa Community Colleges Sara Weissman Mon,…

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DePaul Adjunct Ousted for Optional Gaza Assignment

DePaul Adjunct Ousted for Optional Gaza Assignment Ryan Quinn Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Colleges have punished several professors since Oct. 7 for out-of-classroom speech. Now a faculty member has been fired for a task description that referenced “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing” and “a decolonized future.” Byline(s) Ryan Quinn DePaul Adjunct Ousted for Optional Gaza Assignment Ryan…

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Turning Students’ College Intentions Into Enrollments

Turning Students’ College Intentions Into Enrollments jessica.blake@… Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM A new survey from Art & Science Group suggests colleges should invest in cultivating recent high school grads who have considered a 4-year degree but not followed through. Byline(s) Jessica Blake Turning Students’ College Intentions Into Enrollments jessica.blake@… Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM A…

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Librarians Grapple With Diverse Archiving in a Digital World

Librarians Grapple With Diverse Archiving in a Digital World Lauren.Coffey@… Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Librarians know more diversity is needed in archiving but it’s a work in progress. Byline(s) Lauren Coffey Librarians Grapple With Diverse Archiving in a Digital World Lauren.Coffey@… Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Librarians know more diversity is needed in archiving but…

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Higher Education’s Trust Deficit

Higher Education’s Trust Deficit mprutter@mit.edu Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Colleges’ and universities’ new mandate: to rebuild public trust. Byline(s) Steven Mintz Higher Education’s Trust Deficit mprutter@mit.edu Mon, 06/03/2024 – 03:00 AM Colleges’ and universities’ new mandate: to rebuild public trust. Byline(s) Steven Mintz  Inside Higher Ed

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Discover the Power of Google Chrome Reading Mode

The post Discover the Power of Google Chrome Reading Mode appeared first on Shake Up Learning. Discover how Google Chrome Reading Mode can revolutionize your digital reading experience in the latest blog post by Katie Moran, an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher and Google for Education Certified Trainer. Learn how this simple, customizable tool enhances readability…

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