Six tips for districts to avoid the next funding cliff

This is a tough summer of budget cuts, forcing many districts to reduce staff and cut back on purchases. For school and district technology leaders, the end of the school year also means the end of billions of dollars of federal COVID-19 relief funding that was available to K-12 schools through various packages–money that was…

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STUDENT VOICE: Adults must stop censoring student newspapers. New York has a bill that would stop this dangerous practice

In the three years that I’ve been a student journalist, every text, conversation or interview I’ve had with a fellow teen reporter has dealt with a common thread: censorship.  A principal stifled a story about a cafeteria that had never met fire regulations. A school newspaper was barred from writing about recent book bans. Student…

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TED Talks Begin AI-Assisted Dubbing On Their Videos

Alexandra_Koch / Pixabay   TED Talks recently announced that they are going to start using Artificial Intelligence to reproduce their videos, with multi-lingual dubbing in the speaker’s voices. You can read their announcement and see a list of their first videos using that tech here. Google’s Aloud tool kicked-off this ability, and now lots of…

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Supporting Student Well-being in Virtual Learning 

My first and only fully online class taken as an undergraduate student was a complete disaster. Aside from a bare-bones syllabus, the professor never showed up. Most of our grade was supposed to come from a single class project, but no assignment instructions were ever posted. I emailed the professor and waited…and waited…and waited—silence. Eventually,…

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