There Are Only Two Weeks Left In The School Year, But I’m Still Going To Try Something New: “A Shoutout Whiteboard”

StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay   Nicole Scrivner, a talented teacher colleague whose create ideas are no stranger to this blog’s pages, shared another great one last week at our English Department meeting. She talked about a “Shoutout Whiteboard” where she lists particular work they’ve done in class like “Excellent Draft Essay” and lists names of students…

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Building Bonds

Social–emotional learning’s (SEL’s) reach has expanded significantly over the past decade and has especially accelerated during the last few years. High-quality SEL can support students’ general well-being as a pathway to improved academic outcomes (Durlak et al., 2011; Zins and Elias, 2007). With multilingual learners comprising nearly 23% of the US student-age population and rising…

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