New to WebAssign: “A Transition to Advanced Mathematics,” 8e

Reading Time: 2 minutes Did you hear the news? Smith’s “A Transition to Advanced Mathematics,” 8th edition is officially headed to WebAssign! This popular textbook, designed to empower instructors, optimizes the learning experience for students and supports them as they learn to think like mathematicians. WebAssign for this highly anticipated eighth edition is coming in…

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Study Habits: The Power of Practice Exam Questions 

Reading Time: 2 minutes Can practice exam questions transform student performance in any classroom? This research explores the impact of practice exam questions on student success and potential practical strategies for all teachers to consider … The Perceived Efficacy of Exam Practice Questions Practice exam questions are not just for exams! This new study by…

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What Makes Current Divestment Demands Different

What Makes Current Divestment Demands Different Josh Moody Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM Student appeals for colleges to stop investing in firms that support Israel’s war effort are complicated by state laws, political risks and global market complexities. Byline(s) Josh Moody What Makes Current Divestment Demands Different Josh Moody Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM Student appeals…

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