The Litigation After the Protest Storm

The Litigation After the Protest Storm kathryn.palmer… Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM After tense campus protests over the Israel-Hamas War resulted in hundreds of arrests and suspensions, universities are facing a wave of lawsuits in the fallout. Byline(s) Kathryn Palmer The Litigation After the Protest Storm kathryn.palmer… Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM After tense campus protests…

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Connecticut Lawmakers Put Final COVID Funds Toward Higher Ed

Connecticut Lawmakers Put Final COVID Funds Toward Higher Ed jessica.blake@… Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM Governor is expected to sign the bill allowing state institutions to plug budget deficits with dwindling federal aid, a move some see as savvy and others as irresponsible. Byline(s) Jessica Blake Connecticut Lawmakers Put Final COVID Funds Toward Higher Ed jessica.blake@……

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Unpacking ASU’s OpenAI Partnership

Unpacking ASU’s OpenAI Partnership Lauren.Coffey@… Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM From hundreds of internal projects to tinkering with the AI technology, Arizona State’s chief information officer reveals new details. Byline(s) Lauren Coffey Unpacking ASU’s OpenAI Partnership Lauren.Coffey@… Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM From hundreds of internal projects to tinkering with the AI technology, Arizona State’s chief…

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UC Academic Workers Strike Over Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests

UC Academic Workers Strike Over Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests Ryan Quinn Tue, 05/21/2024 – 03:00 AM A walkout at the University of California, Santa Cruz could spread to other campuses in the state. The university system is calling the strike “illegal.” Byline(s) Ryan Quinn UC Academic Workers Strike Over Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests Ryan Quinn Tue, 05/21/2024 –…

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3 top priorities for K-12 administrators

Key points: District leaders must contend with growing needs to help schools thrive How a district’s focus on data is advancing student growth 3 key strategies for district leaders to build a resilient educator workforce For more news on district leadership, visit eSN’s Educational Leadership hub As K-12 administrators strive to improve operations and maximize…

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6 ways we boosted literacy platform usage and engaged students

Key points: An innovative approach to literacy yields encouraging results for students 6 tips to help educators support young readers How we can improve literacy through student engagement For more news on literacy, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub I became a reading specialist in 2015, at which point our school’s previous reading specialist was already…

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