Best Posts Of The Week

  This series used to be called “The Most Popular Posts Of The Week.” However, Google has changed their analytics program and, for the life of me, I can’t seem to figure out how to transition to it. And, since the popularity of posts has never affected what I post in the least, I figure…

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12 Shifts to Move from Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Environments

A lot of schools talk about increasing student agency. “Creating self-directed learners.” “Building lifelong learners.” “Cultivating global citizens.” But when you walk into many of their classrooms, learning looks pretty much the same.  A teacher stands tall at the front of the classroom referencing information on a smartboard or rolling TV monitor, talking to kids…

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How Do Stars Work?

Hey there! Let me tell you something mind-blowing: stars, those mesmerizing specks of light in the night sky, are actually incredible celestial powerhouses. They are gigantic balls of gas, mainly hydrogen and helium, that generate heat and light through an… Hey there! Let me tell you something mind-blowing: stars, those mesmerizing specks of light in the…

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Easy Tips for a Sustainable Beach Trip

When we hit peak summer, we hit the beach. Our beaches double as both a good time and an increasingly rare opportunity to engage directly with nature. But beaches are, like the rest of nature, subject to harm from human interaction. Just because you’re there to relax doesn’t mean you should relax your commitment to…

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