The Neurodiverse Instructor with Neurotypical Students

Many academics are aware of altering learning styles of those on the “Autism Spectrum.”  When a student with Autism arrives in the classroom this changes how interactions occur between a neurodiverse (ND) student and a neurotypical (NT) instructor. How does this impact the classroom when the ND academic is the expert, and the NT is…

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Tone In Teaching: 20 Words That Can Change How Students Think

Tone In Teaching: 20 Words That Can Change How Students Think

How Certain Words Change How Children Feel by Terry Heick While I often talk about ‘scale’ as one of the primary challenges in education–and have also wondered about curriculum, too–a more subversive concept constantly at play throughout education is tone. As an ‘English’ teacher, I always explained tone to students as a kind of  ‘attitude’ that…

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The State of STEM in 2024

The State of STEM in 2024

Patrick Brown, Executive Director of STEM and Career and Technical Education in Saint Charles County, Missouri, oversees STEM and technical programs for approximately 18,000 students. His role involves developing integrated STEM courses, emphasizing critical thinking and real-world problem-solving. What does that mean? Click through to hear details on how to reset and enhance your STEM-based…

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Can the FAFSA mean … fun?

Can the FAFSA mean … fun?

At the end of July, McDowell Technical Community College in Marion, North Carolina, hosted a party for something people don’t typically throw parties for: Applying for financial aid. The campus is often quiet after 5pm, but on this day, it was transformed into a loud and lively space for Latino families from the western part…

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Is Working Memory Domain-General or Domain-Specific?

Is Working Memory Domain-General or Domain-Specific?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Is developing working memory in the classroom a waste of time? New research suggests that working memory is not as general as we thought, and that training may not have the wide-reaching benefits we hoped for. Teachers are often told that improving students’ working memory (WM) can lead to better learning…

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The Benefits Of Art For Your Child’s Development

Children love being involved in some form of art. From finger painting, drawing with crayons, or even forming shapes out of clay, there are a variety of ways for them to express their creativity. But besides happiness and self-fulfillment, which are given by creative pursuits, art activity has dozens of positive effects on a child’s…

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