Ontario Lawmaker Addresses Legislature in Anishininiimowin

A First Nations lawmaker in Ontario, Canada, has addressed the province’s legislature in Anishininiimowin, in a move that repudiates a centuries-long colonial “war” on Indigenous languages. Sol Mamakwa, a New Democratic Party member from the community of Kingfisher Lake First Nation, gave the province’s first-ever Indigenous-language speech in Queen’s Park, adding that the “historic” milestone…

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Student Voice: Career and Technical Education in Puerto Rico

By: Eliomar Santiago Rodriguez, Senior Student at Antonio Luchetti Vocational High School in Arecibo, Puerto Rico  I am a 12th grade student of the Electricity with the Programmer Logical Controller (PLC) and Renewable Energy workshop at the Antonio Luchetti Vocational High School in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. My education has definitely prepared me to pursue a…

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Voz Estudiantil: Educación Técnica y Vocacional en Puerto Rico

By: Eliomar Santiago Rodriguez, Estudiante de Grado 12 de la Escuela Superior Vocacional Antonio Luchetti en Arecibo, Puerto Rico  Soy estudiante de grado 12 del taller de Electricidad con Controladores Lógicos Programables (PLC, por sus siglas en inglés) y Energías Renovables en la Escuela Superior Vocacional Antonio Luchetti, en Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Mi educación definitivamente…

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