Category: Education
Nearly 700 More Colleges Don’t Have to Comply With New Title IX Rule
Post Content Inside Higher Ed
Update on Department of Education’s Postsecondary Education Regulatory Work
By: James Kvaal, U.S. Under Secretary of Education No president in history has done more to fix a broken student debt system than President Biden – including approving loan forgiveness for more than 4.7 million people and creating the SAVE plan, the most affordable repayment plan ever. But loan relief, alone, is not enough. We…
9 ways to honor diversity and cultivate safe learning spaces
Key points: Educators can foster a holistic approach to student development Innovative solutions to meet diverse student needs Motivating students using the Self-Determination Theory For more news on inclusive environments, visit eSN’s SEL & Well-Being hub In today’s diverse educational landscape, fostering a safe and inclusive environment isn’t just a moral imperative–it’s crucial for effective…
6 Strategies for Addressing Hate Speech and Microaggressions in Classrooms
Excerpted from Equity Now: Justice, Repair, and Belonging in Schools by Tyrone C. Howard. Copyright (c) 2024 by Corwin Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Hate speech is often deliberate and meant to be hurtful, while microaggressions are often more common, subtle everyday slights directed at someone’s identity. Microaggressions can be intentional or unintentional, and often…
Classroom Deal of the Day: 24 Post-It Pads for Less Than $13
Sticky notes forever! Sticky notes forever! Deals & Shopping, School Supplies We Are Teachers
Classroom Instruction Resources Of The Week
Each week, I publish a post or two containing three or four particularly useful resources on classroom instruction, and you can see them all here. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES ON INSTRUCTION IN 2022 – PART ONE. Here are this week’s picks: 4 Barriers to Student Success that Educators Need…
Research Studies Of The Week
I often write about research studies from various fields and how they can be applied to the classroom. I write individual posts about ones that I think are especially significant, and will continue to do so. However, so many studies are published that it’s hard to keep up. So I’ve started writing a “round-up” of…
The Best Articles & Posts Discussing Differences & Similarities To Doctors/Teachers & Hospitals/Schools
marionbrun / Pixabay A fair amount of commentary, some of it inaccurate and some helpful, compares teachers and hospitals to doctors and hospitals when discussing school reform. Here are some resources, including past posts in this blog, that might be helpful in navigating that discussion: ‘The wrong diagnosis: The differences between medicine and teaching are…
Avengers Launches in Lakota
On June 14, Disney+ releases the Lakota-dubbed full-length version of the blockbuster Avengers movie, marking a milestone for Indigenous representation in mainstream media. This project is the result of painstaking and groundbreaking work by Grey Willow Music Studios and Production, a Native-owned sound company, along with the help of the Lakota Reclamation Project, students from…