50 STEM Activities for Kids of All Ages and Interests
Inspire the innovators of tomorrow. Inspire the innovators of tomorrow. Classroom Ideas, Experiments, Hands-on Learning, STEAM, STEM Challenges We Are Teachers
Inspire the innovators of tomorrow. Inspire the innovators of tomorrow. Classroom Ideas, Experiments, Hands-on Learning, STEAM, STEM Challenges We Are Teachers
New teachers, classmates, routines and expectations — a new school year almost always means change for both kids and their caregivers. And that can be nerve-wracking for everyone. To help families ease into the transition, Life Kit asked teachers, pediatricians and child development experts for their best back-to-school advice. These tips have been edited for…
Survey after survey paints a concerning picture: most students feel unprepared for college or careers, while counselors and career advisors struggle to keep up. Among recent high school graduates, 75% report feeling somewhat or totally unprepared for college and career, notes a recent YouScience report,1 while more than half of 2023 college graduates question their…
Khan Academy is excited to unveil our new and enhanced English Language Arts (ELA) courses for 9th and 10th grade. These Common Core-aligned courses are designed to provide comprehensive support for mastering reading and vocabulary skills through engaging multimedia resources, including videos, articles, and interactive exercises. With additional grade levels slated for release in September,…
This may sound silly, but I can’t stop thinking about my T-shirt. Earlier this school year, I was talking to the speech therapist who works with my students when I noticed her fantastic shirt. It said, “Behavior is Communication.” Immediately, I asked her to send me the link to the shirt, and by the end…
By: Roberto J. Rodríguez, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Through the Raise the Bar: Lead the World initiative, the U.S. Department of Education is working in partnership with states and school districts to eliminate educator shortages in our nation’s schools. Thanks to the leadership of state and local education…
Ideas for reading comprehension, creative writing, world language, and more. Ideas for reading comprehension, creative writing, world language, and more. Free Printables, Literacy, Reading Comprehension, Sponsored, World Language, Writing We Are Teachers
Underconsumption core for teachers. Underconsumption core for teachers. Life & Well-Being, School Supplies, Teacher Problems We Are Teachers
Fluency brings the words to life! Fluency brings the words to life! Classroom Ideas, Activities, Literacy We Are Teachers
So many ways to teach, practice, and master sight words! So many ways to teach, practice, and master sight words! Classroom Ideas, Literacy, Vocabulary We Are Teachers