$11 Million To Support Multilingualism in Schools

The U.S. Department of Education has allocated over $11 million in grants to support the recruitment and retention of bilingual and multilingual educators, and provide high quality programming to Native students in an effort to strengthen and revitalize Native American languages. “Being multilingual is a superpower—a powerful asset that can connect students to their identity…

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North Carolina Virtual Academy Summer Camp Boosts Third Grade Reading Proficiency Through Reading Eggs Program

North Carolina Virtual Academy Summer Camp Boosts Third Grade Reading Proficiency Through Reading Eggs Program

NEW YORK — North Carolina Virtual Academy (NCVA) and 3P Learning announced new results from an online summer learning camp focused on improving reading proficiency among third grade students. More than 70 third graders who had not yet shown proficiency on the End-of-Grade (EOG) test or Read to Achieve test participated in the three-week camp. After…

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From Chaos to Calm: SEL Solutions for PK-2 Classrooms

From Chaos to Calm: SEL Solutions for PK-2 Classrooms

By Kaitlin Anselmo Pothireddy Emotions are a fundamental part of daily life, and in the post-COVID world, helping students understand and manage their feelings is more important than ever. As administrators, supporting teachers in introducing social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom can lead to a more harmonious and effective learning environment. After all, kids can’t…

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Bertrand Russell’s 10 Essential Rules Of Critical Thinking

Bertrand Russell’s 10 Essential Rules Of Critical Thinking

Bertrand Russell’s 10 Essential Rules Of Critical Thinking by Terry Heick For a field of study that explores the nature of knowledge, Philosophy has had a surprisingly small impact on education. Most formal academic ‘platforms’ like public schools and universities tend to parse knowledge into content areas–what is being learned–rather than how and why it…

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