What to Expect at Dissertation Central

The nature and extent of content in faculty-wide teaching and resources for participant-based undergraduate dissertations. Dissertations and their supervision may rightly be very individual. In higher education, whenever standardization as a marker for quality conflicts with fitness for purpose, the latter should ideally prevail. The value of striking a balance between freedom and structure in…

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12 Decision-Making Activities for Employees

If you are looking for decision-making activities for employees to use in training and workshops, here are 12 activities that you can use. The post 12 Decision-Making Activities for Employees appeared first on Symonds Research.  If you are looking for decision-making activities for employees to use in training and workshops, here are 12 activities that…

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A NEW Approach to Marking!

Reading Time: 2 minutes How do we reduce the marking burden for teachers? Last week, I presented a keynote on my new book/research for the first time, sharing some key ideas with teachers and school leaders in the room. Written Feedback Marking remains the number one workload burden, so how do we make it better…

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