Three More Useful Climate Change Resources

Three More Useful Climate Change Resources

geralt / Pixabay   I’m adding these new resources to The Best Sites To Learn About Climate Change: What sea level rise will look like in cities that have hosted climate summits is from CNN. How does climate change threaten where you live? A region-by-region guide. is from Grist. The Great Carbon Divide is from…

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Can a data literacy program make science more relatable?

Can a data literacy program make science more relatable?

This story originally appeared on MSU’s College of Natural Science site and is reposted with permission. Key points: The Data Nuggets program is starting its third round of NSF funding to improve data literacy in K-16 students Putting the ‘E’ in integrative STEM instruction 5 edtech tools for the statistics teacher (and other teachers, too)…

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China: Spanish for a New Approach to Globalization

Luis García Montero, director of the Instituto Cervantes, recently visited China to sign several academic agreements with the superpower’s educational organizations of the Asian giant. In 2023, China was among the countries with the most DELE (Diplomas de Español) exam takers enrolled in the Cervantes network of the Instituto Cervantes with more than 5,500 examinees…

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CTL Introduces the Next-Generation 14” Chromebook: the CTL Chromebook PX141E Series

CTL Introduces the Next-Generation 14” Chromebook: the CTL Chromebook PX141E Series

Beaverton, OR – CTL, a global cloud-computing solution leader for education and enterprise, announced today the introduction of the new CTL Chromebook PX141E Series. This series equips educators, staff, and students with the powerful performance and connectivity they need for all-day productivity. Easy ChromeOS device manageability combined with CTL’s lifecycle services reduces the burden on…

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