Assignment Prompts: A Tutor’s Perspective

Nothing has informed my teaching practice as much as serving as a writing tutor for high school and college students. It has been sobering to see, through their eyes, how unclear our assignments can sometimes be. Believe me, I’m guilty too. In fact, it’s the complaint I hear most often in my tutoring sessions: “I…

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The Roots of Anti-University Rhetoric

The Roots of Anti-University Rhetoric Elizabeth Redden Thu, 06/13/2024 – 04:25 PM Bradford Vivian writes that growing anti-university sentiment can be traced to pro-authoritarian movements abroad. Byline(s) Bradford Vivian The Roots of Anti-University Rhetoric Elizabeth Redden Thu, 06/13/2024 – 04:25 PM Bradford Vivian writes that growing anti-university sentiment can be traced to pro-authoritarian movements abroad. Byline(s)…

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5 can’t-miss events at ISTELive 24

Each year without fail, ISTELive connects thousands of educators–from school and districts leaders to classroom teachers and technology directors–to education experts, industry leaders, and in-depth content sessions designed to improve teaching and learning. This year, ISTELive 24 lands in Denver. From June 23-26, attendees can listen to insightful keynote speakers, sit in on sessions covering…

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U.S. Department of Education Announces the Inaugural Engage Every Student Recognition Program Champions

Engage Every Student was launched by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in July 2022 and is a bold call-to-action to provide high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child. Through the American Rescue Plan, schools, cities, and states have had access to funding and an unprecedented opportunity to partner with high-quality expanded learning programs…

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Name Changes Seen as Plot to Expunge Afrikaans

South Africa’s government is on a name-changing spree—and that’s sparking a fierce language war and fierce feelings. South Africa was colonized by Dutch settlers from the 1600s until 1994, and as a result, the majority of the country’s places were named in Afrikaans, a Dutch-language dialect. Native African names of places were “expunged as a…

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