10 tips to protect youth well-being online

10 tips to protect youth well-being online

Key points: Social media poses risks to students’ mental health and well-being Taking stock of student mental health It takes a village to protect students’ well-being in the digital age For more news on youth mental health, visit eSN’s SEL & Well-Being hub Spurred by increasing concerns about youth well-being and social media use, a…

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Educator Certification Programs and Increasing the Use of Artificial Intelligence 

The professional world in educator certification and Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) has changed since the omnipresent technological advances that have invaded almost every aspect of life. The expectations of pre-service teachers and aspiring school administrators have a new focus that includes educator retention and artificial intelligence (AI). Educator retention is a pertinent concern because many…

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Getting Started With Word Walls

contributed by Samantha Saumell, I Have, Not I Am All teachers want to help students become successful readers and writers. Whether students like reading or writing, they are readers and writers, whether they know it or not. Students sometimes think that they only ‘write’ in school. But the truth is they write every time they text…

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18 Characteristics of Good Feedback in the Workplace

Giving good feedback in the workplace is essential but it is not always easy. In this article, you will find 18 characteristics of good feedback. Understanding what is involved in delivering good and effective feedback should help you engage your employees and create a collaborative work environment in which employees are happier to work together…

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