5 math curriculum insights from educators

5 math curriculum insights from educators

Key points: Educators want math curricula that fosters natural learning environments 6 tips to select the right assessments for your district How I’m making learning more engaging for my gifted students For more news on curriculum, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub When I sat down with educators at the recent ISTE conference, our conversations were…

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AI-Powered Grading: The Future Of Education And Teaching Assistants

The education landscape is fast evolving, and AI-based automated grading systems are at the forefront of this variation. Automated grading uses sophisticated algorithms to assess assignments, exams, and pupil paintings, supplying a scalable and green solution for evaluating performance. With AI coping with the repetitive mission of grading, educators can be conscious of personalized interactions…

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Student recordings: A new element in the online classroom

Student recordings: A new element in the online classroom

Key points: Despite AI’s dominance, students’ genuine intelligence will always be paramount Using AI analysis to bring out the best in human tutors AI is forcing a teaching and learning evolution For more news on student assessment, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub Late on a recent Friday night while preparing my fall courses, I heard…

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Merit Pay & “Loss Aversion” Nonsense Studies

Merit Pay & “Loss Aversion” Nonsense Studies

I’m republishing about fifteen-or-twenty columns/articles I wrote for various publications like ASCD and The Washington Post over twelve years ago, but which are no longer available on their websites. I still think they have some relevance today.   I’ll add links to these posts to the page where links to all my articles are located.  …

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Research Studies Of The Week

Research Studies Of The Week

Mohamed_hassan / Pixabay I often write about research studies from various fields and how they can be applied to the classroom. I write individual posts about ones that I think are especially significant, and will continue to do so. However, so many studies are published that it’s hard to keep up. So I’ve started writing…

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