Norway records show a drop in outbreaks for 2023

The number of outbreaks and people sick in them declined in Norway in 2023, but this past year saw the country record one of its most serious-ever E. coli outbreaks. Twenty-five outbreaks were caused by contaminated foodstuffs, with 518 people sick. This is down from 34 outbreaks and 628 cases… Continue Reading Foodborne Illness Investigations, Foodborne…

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Bird flu remains widespread but still a low risk for humans

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the widespread H5 bird flu remains a low health risk for humans. That assessment comes after a third human case since 2022 was recently reported in the United States, and it was the second involving exposure this year… Continue Reading Foodborne Illness Investigations, bird…

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How investing in breastfeeding efforts can help save the environment | Explained

Breastfeeding is a highly gendered work that is neglected and under-valued economically, but if recognised, infrastructure set up for the purpose can act as carbon offsets for sustainable food, health and economic systems, suggest researchers in a new paper Breastfeeding is a highly gendered work that is neglected and under-valued economically, but if recognised, infrastructure set…

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