‘It gets you in the guts’: Why swimming is so hot right now

After years of dysfunction, Australia’s ‘national sport’ is enjoying a renaissance. This week’s Olympic trials will put a cast of stars front and centre again. After years of dysfunction, Australia’s ‘national sport’ is enjoying a renaissance. This week’s Olympic trials will put a cast of stars front and centre again. Sport / Swimming Sydney Morning Herald – Latest…

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Boatload of Trepang

Indonesian trepanger Kasim had a big enough haul for a year’s wage, until the ABF dumped the creatures overboard and burned his boat at sea. Indonesian trepanger Kasim had a big enough haul for a year’s wage, until the ABF dumped the creatures overboard and burned his boat at sea. World Sydney Morning Herald – Latest News

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Who will be Queensland’s ‘night mayor’ and what will their job entail? This man has an idea

Michael Rodrigues helped bring NSW’s after-dark economy back from the brink. The just-announced role of a Night Life Economy Commissioner could do the same for Queensland. Michael Rodrigues helped bring NSW’s after-dark economy back from the brink. The just-announced role of a Night Life Economy Commissioner could do the same for Queensland. Politics / Queensland Sydney Morning Herald…

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