Highly sensitive fiber optic gyroscope senses rotational ground motion around active volcano

Researchers have built a prototype fiber optic gyroscope for high resolution, real-time monitoring of ground rotations caused by earthquakes in the active volcanic area of Campi Flegrei in Naples, Italy. A better understanding of the seismic activity in this highly populated area could improve risk assessment and might lead to improved early warning systems. Researchers have…

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New research calls for the protection of UK saltmarshes

The UK’s saltmarshes are under threat from climate change, coastal erosion, and sea-level rise, according to a new study led by the University of St Andrews and the University of York. The UK’s saltmarshes are under threat from climate change, coastal erosion, and sea-level rise, according to a new study led by the University of St…

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Collapse in migratory fish populations threatens health of millions and critical freshwater ecosystems

Populations of migratory freshwater fish species—including salmon, trout, eel, and sturgeon—continue to decline across the globe. This decline risks the food security and livelihoods of millions of people, the survival of countless other species, and the health and resilience of rivers, lakes and wetlands. Populations of migratory freshwater fish species—including salmon, trout, eel, and sturgeon—continue to…

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Green infrastructure plans need to consider historical racial inequalities, say researchers

Urban planners increasingly are interested in green infrastructure projects for the health and climate benefits they bring to cities. But without attention to historical development patterns and existing power structures, such projects may not benefit all residents equally and may exacerbate social and racial inequalities, says a group of researchers and practitioners of nature-based solutions…

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Wage insurance: A promising policy for displaced workers

Each year, millions of workers are displaced due to technological advancements, international competition, offshoring, and regulatory changes. These shifts can devastate workers, particularly those with specialized skills and long tenures. An innovative social policy—wage insurance—shows significant promise in mitigating the adverse effects of job loss, in ways traditional unemployment insurance cannot, finds a new working…

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How marketing asset accountability can unlock the full value of marketing by measuring and reporting its assets

Researchers from University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, and University of Mannheim have published a new Journal of Marketing article that investigates the consequences of the financial valuation and external reporting of marketing assets. Researchers from University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, and University of Mannheim have published a new Journal of Marketing article that investigates…

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A review of the applications of mercury stable isotopes for tracing volcanism in geologic events

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can exist stably as a gas, with high volatility and global distribution in the atmosphere. Volcanoes represent a primary natural source of Hg in the atmosphere, with significant effects on Hg cycles on both global and regional scales. Mercury can undergo both mass-dependent fractionation (MDF) and mass-independent fractionation…

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