Recent volcanic ‘fires’ in Iceland began with vast magma pooling just beneath the surface, scientists report

Recent volcanic ‘fires’ in Iceland began with vast magma pooling just beneath the surface, scientists report

Scientists from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography have detected geochemical signatures of magma pooling and melting beneath the subsurface during the “Fagradalsfjall Fires,” that began on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula in 2021. Scientists from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography have detected geochemical signatures of magma pooling and melting beneath the subsurface during the…

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Unique mechanism protects pancreatic cells from inflammation in mice

Unique mechanism protects pancreatic cells from inflammation in mice

Researchers from the University of Cologne have revealed a mechanism protecting pancreatic β-cells, which are crucial for insulin production from inflammatory cell death. The study investigated the role of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) in regulating β-cell survival. Researchers from the University of Cologne have revealed a mechanism protecting pancreatic β-cells, which are crucial for insulin…

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Secret shoppers find long waits and scarce openings in L.A. for psychiatric care with Medicaid

Secret shoppers find long waits and scarce openings in L.A. for psychiatric care with Medicaid

Only 15% of phone calls seeking psychiatric appointments for Medicaid patients resulted in an appointment in Los Angeles, the lowest percentage out of four cities in a “secret shopper” audit, researchers found.  Only 15% of phone calls seeking psychiatric appointments for Medicaid patients resulted in an appointment in Los Angeles, the lowest percentage out of…

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Can geoengineering protect Earth’s icesheets?

Can geoengineering protect Earth’s icesheets?

It’s time to take a thorough, more serious look at using geoengineering to protect the planet’s icesheets, according to a group of scientists who have released a new report examining the issue. Glacial geoengineering is an emerging field of study that holds some hope for Earth’s diminishing glaciers and ice sheets. It’s time to take a…

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Space hurricanes swirl in the Southern Hemisphere, mostly in summer

Space hurricanes swirl in the Southern Hemisphere, mostly in summer

Space hurricanes are a recently discovered geomagnetic phenomenon in which plasma interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere, the area of space dominated by Earth’s magnetic field. Spiral arms of plasma, hundreds of kilometers long, stretch across the sky and turn clockwise around a calm “eye” in the center—forming aurorae shaped much like the hurricanes that occur closer…

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Fly-around observation images of space debris released

Fly-around observation images of space debris released

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has advanced the Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2) Phase I project. Under this initiative, the demonstration satellite ADRAS-J, developed by Astroscale Japan Inc., has successfully captured images of space debris, a non-cooperative target, through “Fly-around observation.” These images have now been released by Astroscale Japan Inc. The Japan Aerospace…

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