NASA returns to Arctic to study summer sea ice melt

NASA returns to Arctic to study summer sea ice melt

What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic, and a new NASA mission is helping improve data modeling and increasing our understanding of Earth’s rapidly changing climate. Changing ice, ocean, and atmospheric conditions in the northernmost part of Earth have a large impact on the entire planet. That’s because the Arctic region acts…

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Massive appropriation of labor from the Global South enables high consumption in rich countries

Massive appropriation of labor from the Global South enables high consumption in rich countries

The high levels of consumption enjoyed by wealthy countries in the Global North are only possible because of mass appropriation of labor from the population of the Global South. This is evidenced by research from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), which indicates that this appropriation takes…

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Ensuring quality in tropical vegetables: Addressing chilling injury through antioxidant systems

Ensuring quality in tropical vegetables: Addressing chilling injury through antioxidant systems

A research team has found that optimal storage temperatures are crucial for preserving vegetables’ quality, with tropical plants particularly susceptible to low temperatures, leading to a “chilling injury” (CI) condition. A research team has found that optimal storage temperatures are crucial for preserving vegetables’ quality, with tropical plants particularly susceptible to low temperatures, leading to a…

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Salt stress promotes early flowering, inhibits floral organ development by disturbing cell cycle in tomatoes

Salt stress promotes early flowering, inhibits floral organ development by disturbing cell cycle in tomatoes

A research team investigated the impact of salt stress on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) floral transition, revealing that salt stress significantly reduced plant biomass and caused early flowering and smaller flowers. This study underscores the importance of understanding salt stress effects on crops, as it highlights how moderate salt stress can accelerate flowering by upregulating the…

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Mosquitos more resilient to saltwater than previously thought

Mosquitos more resilient to saltwater than previously thought

Dutch mosquitos are more resilient to saltwater than previously thought. Environmental scientist Sam Boerlijst discovered this during his Ph.D. research at the Hortus botanicus. This knowledge is crucial for understanding how mosquito-borne disease transmission might change in the future. Dutch mosquitos are more resilient to saltwater than previously thought. Environmental scientist Sam Boerlijst discovered this during…

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‘Russian doll’ packaging could boost drug delivery

‘Russian doll’ packaging could boost drug delivery

New technology, which is in the early stages of development, has the potential to significantly enhance the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of drugs and vaccines. New technology, which is in the early stages of development, has the potential to significantly enhance the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of drugs and vaccines. Bio & Medicine…

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New opportunities for organic synthesis under superheated flow conditions

New opportunities for organic synthesis under superheated flow conditions

Research programs from the Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis of the University of Liège (Belgium), demonstrate the many opportunities offered by micro/mesofluidic technologies to explore new reaction spaces. Research programs from the Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis of the University of Liège (Belgium), demonstrate the many opportunities offered by micro/mesofluidic technologies to…

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