ATLAS probes uncharted territory with LHC Run 3 data

ATLAS probes uncharted territory with LHC Run 3 data

Despite its immense success in describing the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions, the Standard Model of particle physics is known to be incomplete. Experiments around the globe and in space are therefore searching for signs of new physics phenomena that would guide physicists towards a more comprehensive theory. Despite its immense success in…

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Kepler’s 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later

Kepler’s 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later

Using modern techniques, researchers have re-examined Johannes Kepler’s half-forgotten sunspot drawings and revealed previously-hidden information about the solar cycles before the grand solar minimum. Using modern techniques, researchers have re-examined Johannes Kepler’s half-forgotten sunspot drawings and revealed previously-hidden information about the solar cycles before the grand solar minimum. Planetary Sciences – latest science and technology news stories

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Invasive, blood-sucking fish ‘may hold the key to understanding where we came from,’ say biologists

Invasive, blood-sucking fish ‘may hold the key to understanding where we came from,’ say biologists

One of just two vertebrates without a jaw, sea lampreys that are wreaking havoc in Midwestern fisheries are simultaneously helping scientists understand the origins of two important stem cells that drove the evolution of vertebrates. One of just two vertebrates without a jaw, sea lampreys that are wreaking havoc in Midwestern fisheries are simultaneously helping scientists…

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X-ray microCT unveils ancient pottery techniques

X-ray microCT unveils ancient pottery techniques

Researchers from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice have uncovered insights into ancient pottery forming techniques using X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT). The study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, reveals how advanced 3D imaging can reconstruct the complex processes behind Middle Bronze Age Cretan ceramics, offering a new methodology for analyzing ancient pottery. Researchers from Ca’…

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Scientists control bacterial mutations to preserve antibiotic effectiveness

Scientists control bacterial mutations to preserve antibiotic effectiveness

Scientists have discovered a way to control mutation rates in bacteria, paving the way for new strategies to combat antibiotic resistance. Scientists have discovered a way to control mutation rates in bacteria, paving the way for new strategies to combat antibiotic resistance. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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Ancient DNA analyses imply brucellosis pathogen evolved with development of farming

Ancient DNA analyses imply brucellosis pathogen evolved with development of farming

Scientists analyzed ancient DNA extracted from an 8,000-year-old sheep bone and detected the Brucella melitensis pathogen. Brucellosis affects millions of people every year and causes significant harm to the welfare of livestock. Scientists analyzed ancient DNA extracted from an 8,000-year-old sheep bone and detected the Brucella melitensis pathogen. Brucellosis affects millions of people every year and…

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