Fault size–dependent fracture energy explains multiscale seismicity and cascading earthquakes | Science

Fault size–dependent fracture energy explains multiscale seismicity and cascading earthquakes | Science

Earthquakes vary in size over many orders of magnitude, often rupturing in complex multifault and multievent sequences. Despite the large number of observed earthquakes, the scaling of the earthquake energy budget remains enigmatic. We propose that … Earthquakes vary in size over many orders of magnitude, often rupturing in complex multifault and multievent sequences. Despite the…

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Selection for robust metabolism in domesticated yeasts is driven by adaptation to Hsp90 stress | Science

Selection for robust metabolism in domesticated yeasts is driven by adaptation to Hsp90 stress | Science

Protein folding both promotes and constrains adaptive evolution. We uncover this surprising duality in the role of the protein-folding chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in maintaining the integrity of yeast metabolism amid proteotoxic stressors … Protein folding both promotes and constrains adaptive evolution. We uncover this surprising duality in the role of the protein-folding chaperone…

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How Student Athletes Can Avoid Heatstroke

An athletic trainer explains why bodies need time to acclimatize to extreme heat and what risks to watch out for to avoid heat illness in student athletes  An athletic trainer explains why bodies need time to acclimatize to extreme heat and what risks to watch out for to avoid heat illness in student athletes  Scientific American…

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NASA Cancels Its VIPER Moon Rover

The VIPER lunar rover promised a revolution in our understanding of the moon’s precious deposits of ice. Then NASA cancelled the mission  The VIPER lunar rover promised a revolution in our understanding of the moon’s precious deposits of ice. Then NASA cancelled the mission  Scientific American Content: Global

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