Enhancing forest productivity through improved phosphorus use

A research team has reviewed the mechanisms of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) uptake, transport, and signaling in woody plants based on the backbone of model and crop plants. Their findings emphasize the importance of Pi in photosynthesis, respiration, and genetic information transfer. A research team has reviewed the mechanisms of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) uptake, transport, and signaling…

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Scientists develop new method to estimate electrical parameters of regular pulse bursts in lightning

The phenomenon of regular pulse bursts in lightning research is characterized by continuous pulses occurring at regular intervals, resulting in intermittent rapid changes in the electric field at ground level. The individual pulses last for microseconds, while the entire sequence can last for milliseconds. The mechanism behind their occurrence has long puzzled scientists. The phenomenon of…

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Researchers engineer new approach for controlling thermal emission

The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute has spearheaded an international team to engineer a novel approach for controlling thermal emission, detailed in a paper published in Science. This breakthrough offers new design strategies beyond conventional materials, with promising implications for thermal management and camouflage technologies. The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute has spearheaded an…

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Extracellular vesicles could be potential new treatment for acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury has many different causes that can result in a high death rate if not properly treated. There are currently limited therapeutic strategies available to manage acute kidney injury. However, a new joint study by Cardiff University School of Medicine and TaiPei Medical University revealed “major experimental evidence” regarding the therapeutic potential of…

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Scientists create world’s strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using AI

Scientists have developed the world’s strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using AI, in what could be a breakthrough for affordable MRI machines and the future of electrified transport. Scientists have developed the world’s strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using AI, in what could be a breakthrough for affordable MRI machines and the future of electrified transport. Superconductivity Phys.org – latest…

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