Determining the ERK-regulated phosphoproteome driving KRAS-mutant cancer | Science

To delineate the mechanisms by which the ERK1 and ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinases support mutant KRAS–driven cancer growth, we determined the ERK-dependent phosphoproteome in KRAS-mutant pancreatic cancer. We determined that ERK1 and ERK2 share … To delineate the mechanisms by which the ERK1 and ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinases support mutant KRAS–driven cancer growth, we determined the…

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Defining the KRAS- and ERK-dependent transcriptome in KRAS-mutant cancers | Science

How the KRAS oncogene drives cancer growth remains poorly understood. Therefore, we established a systemwide portrait of KRAS- and extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK)–dependent gene transcription in KRAS-mutant cancer to delineate the molecular … How the KRAS oncogene drives cancer growth remains poorly understood. Therefore, we established a systemwide portrait of KRAS- and extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK)–dependent…

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A master regulator of opioid reward in the ventral prefrontal cortex | Science

In addition to their intrinsic rewarding properties, opioids can also evoke aversive reactions that protect against misuse. Cellular mechanisms that govern the interplay between opioid reward and aversion are poorly understood. We used whole-brain … In addition to their intrinsic rewarding properties, opioids can also evoke aversive reactions that protect against misuse. Cellular mechanisms that govern…

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Cellular architecture shapes the naïve T cell response | Science

After antigen stimulation, naïve T cells display reproducible population-level responses, which arise from individual T cells pursuing specific differentiation trajectories. However, cell-intrinsic predeterminants controlling these single-cell decisions … After antigen stimulation, naïve T cells display reproducible population-level responses, which arise from individual T cells pursuing specific differentiation trajectories. However, cell-intrinsic predeterminants controlling these single-cell decisions …  Science

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New Report Underscores the Seriousness of Long Covid

The National Academies said the condition could involve up to 200 symptoms, make it difficult for people to work and last for months or years. The National Academies said the condition could involve up to 200 symptoms, make it difficult for people to work and last for months or years. Long Covid, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Coronavirus Risks and…

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Why Are Bears ‘Friend-Shaped’?

Why are bears both adorable and deadly? Scientific American investigates why these apex predators are “friend-shaped”  Why are bears both adorable and deadly? Scientific American investigates why these apex predators are “friend-shaped”  Scientific American Content: Global

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