Lethal bird flu could decimate Oceania’s birds—from vigilance to vaccines, here’s what Australia is doing to prepare

Lethal bird flu could decimate Oceania’s birds—from vigilance to vaccines, here’s what Australia is doing to prepare

Avian influenza viruses have infected the world’s birds for millennia. We first became aware of them in the 19th century, when mass deaths of poultry triggered interest in what was then called “fowl plague.” Avian influenza viruses have infected the world’s birds for millennia. We first became aware of them in the 19th century, when mass…

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Spontaneous supercrystal discovered in switching metal-insulator

Spontaneous supercrystal discovered in switching metal-insulator

A supercrystal formation previously unobserved in a metal-insulating material was discovered by a Cornell-led research team, potentially unlocking new ways to engineer materials and devices with tunable electronic properties. A supercrystal formation previously unobserved in a metal-insulating material was discovered by a Cornell-led research team, potentially unlocking new ways to engineer materials and devices with tunable…

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New 3D reconstruction method aids analysis of property-defining defects

New 3D reconstruction method aids analysis of property-defining defects

An international research collaboration, including a group from Cornell Engineering, has applied a new X-ray-based reconstruction technique to observe, for the first time, topological defects in a nanoscale self-assembly-based cubic network structure of a polymer-metal composite material imaged over a relatively large sample volume. An international research collaboration, including a group from Cornell Engineering, has applied…

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Naming and shaming domestic violence perpetrators doesn’t work to keep women safe, researcher says

Naming and shaming domestic violence perpetrators doesn’t work to keep women safe, researcher says

Recent survey results show 25% of Australians agree that women who do not leave abusive relationships are partly responsible for the abuse continuing. This stubbornly common attitude demonstrates that victim-survivors are still being held responsible for the abuse they experience and for keeping themselves safe. Recent survey results show 25% of Australians agree that women who…

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