Reducing floodplain development doesn’t need to be complex, say researchers

Reducing floodplain development doesn’t need to be complex, say researchers

A paper, titled “How local governments avoid floodplain development through consistent implementation of routine municipal ordinances, plans, and programs,” published in Oxford Open Climate Change uncovers evidence suggesting that, contrary to expectations, most U.S. cities are not doing too badly in avoiding development in areas prone to flooding, and those that are effective appear to…

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How your Zoom background could influence how tired you feel after a video call

How your Zoom background could influence how tired you feel after a video call

Part of many people’s pandemic experience included working from home. Even after lockdowns, videoconferencing remains a big part of life as people continue to work remotely, connect with families and friends online, and attend virtual events hosted on videoconferencing platforms. Part of many people’s pandemic experience included working from home. Even after lockdowns, videoconferencing remains a…

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Why is Congo struggling to contain mpox?

Health authorities have struggled to contain outbreaks of mpox in Congo, a huge central African country where a myriad of existing problems makes stemming the spread particularly hard. Last month, the World Health Organization declared the outbreaks in Congo and about a dozen other African countries a global health emergency. And in Congo, scientists have…

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