Buying and selling forest carbon as a commodity could be dangerous if it trumps other environmental and social uses

Forests are great carbon sinks—they absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they release. Globally, forests remove nearly all of the 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide that is currently being removed from the atmosphere every year. Forests are great carbon sinks—they absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they release. Globally, forests remove nearly all…

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Returning a 170-year-old preserved lizard to Jamaica is a step toward redressing colonial harms, say researchers

Museums often celebrate new acquisitions, especially something rare or historic. In April 2024, scientists from the Natural History Museum of Jamaica and The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus accepted a very rare and historic specimen: a 16-inch lizard called the Jamaican giant galliwasp (Celestus occiduus). It had previously been stored in the Hunterian…

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Real-time flood risk visualization via server-based mixed reality enhances accessibility and public safety

Climate change is increasing flood risks in urban areas, with heavy rainfall disasters now becoming a global problem. Numerical simulations predict flooding from heavy rain and river overflows, usually displaying results on flat maps. However, map scale can limit detailed risk assessment, making it difficult for residents to fully understand flood risks. Climate change is increasing…

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Q&A: Nearly 25% of land in Africa has been damaged—what’s to blame, and what can be done

Land degradation is a huge issue across the continent of Africa. One of its biggest drivers is biological invasions. This is when invasive species (species that aren’t naturally found in the area) arrive and produce large numbers of offspring which spread over long distances. Mlungele Nsikani, a land restoration specialist and environmental scientist, explains how…

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Report reveals billion-dollar toll of domestic violence in California

A comprehensive new study by Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute and the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy has quantified the staggering economic impact of intimate partner violence in California, revealing billions in costs that deeply affect survivors, communities and taxpayers across the state. A comprehensive new study by Tulane University’s Newcomb…

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