Solar energy-driven H₂O₂ photosynthesis from water and oxygen using Ba-implanted ordered carbon nitride

Solar energy-driven H₂O₂ photosynthesis from water and oxygen using Ba-implanted ordered carbon nitride

H2O2, a green oxidant and clean fuel, is in high demand across chemical industries, environmental treatments, and even aerospace. However, traditional production methods rely on energy-intensive processes that are not environmentally friendly. Scientists have been seeking a greener alternative, and semiconductor photocatalysis using solar energy to drive chemical reactions has emerged as a promising solution. H2O2,…

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Q&A: ‘We lost instruments chewed or crunched by bears and sea otters’—how a researcher listens for elusive belugas

Q&A: ‘We lost instruments chewed or crunched by bears and sea otters’—how a researcher listens for elusive belugas

Dr. Manuel Castellote studies the behavior and conservation of whales and dolphins. After beginning his academic career in Spain, he now works in the United States, applying acoustic techniques to learn more about cetaceans—especially beluga whales—in Alaska and other parts of the northwest of North America. Dr. Manuel Castellote studies the behavior and conservation of whales…

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Metabolomic insights into soybean defense strategies against diverse pathogens

Metabolomic insights into soybean defense strategies against diverse pathogens

Soybean, as a globally critical leguminous crop, faces continuous threats from different pathogens, which profoundly affect global production. Although the genetic interactions between soybean and pathogens have attracted extensive attention and research, the complex biochemical responses remain poorly understood. Qiu Min and colleagues decided to use targeted and untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolomics to…

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