Vitalism in New Zealand science education | Science

Vitalism in New Zealand science education | Science

A. Black and J. M. Tylianakis (“Teach Indigenous knowledge alongside science,” Policy Forum, 9 February, p. 592) give an overly rosy picture of New Zealand’s policy of “mana ōrite,” or equal status for mātauranga Māori, in science education, which they say teaches Indigenous knowledge “alongside” science rather than “as” science. They suggest that this policy…

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Integrated translation and metabolism in a partially self-synthesizing biochemical network | Science

Integrated translation and metabolism in a partially self-synthesizing biochemical network | Science

One of the hallmarks of living organisms is their capacity for self-organization and regeneration, which requires a tight integration of metabolic and genetic networks. We sought to construct a linked metabolic and genetic network in vitro that shows … One of the hallmarks of living organisms is their capacity for self-organization and regeneration, which requires a…

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A crystal capping layer for formation of black-phase FAPbI3 perovskite in humid air | Science

A crystal capping layer for formation of black-phase FAPbI3 perovskite in humid air | Science

Black-phase formamidinium lead iodide (α-FAPbI3) perovskites are the desired phase for photovoltaic applications, but water can trigger formation of photoinactive impurity phases such as δ-FAPbI3. We show that the classic solvent system for perovskite … Black-phase formamidinium lead iodide (α-FAPbI3) perovskites are the desired phase for photovoltaic applications, but water can trigger formation of photoinactive impurity…

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A quantum-network register assembled with optical tweezers in an optical cavity | Science

A quantum-network register assembled with optical tweezers in an optical cavity | Science

Quantum computation and quantum communication are expected to provide users with capabilities inaccessible by classical physics. However, scalability to larger systems with many qubits is challenging. One solution is to develop a quantum network … Quantum computation and quantum communication are expected to provide users with capabilities inaccessible by classical physics. However, scalability to larger systems…

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World science and Indigenous knowledge | Science

World science and Indigenous knowledge | Science

HomeScienceVol. 385, No. 6705World science and Indigenous knowledgeBack To Vol. 385, No. 6705 Full accessLetter Share on World science and Indigenous knowledgeRex Ahdar, Brian Boyd, […] , Ananish Chaudhuri, Kendall D. Clements [email protected], […] , Garth Cooper, Douglas Elliffe, Brian Gill, Russell D. Gray, Natasha Hamilton-Hart, […] , David Lillis, Michael Matthews, John Raine, Elizabet… HomeScienceVol….

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How Science Can Defeat Witchcraft Fears in Papua New Guinea

Belief in witchcraft and sorcery is deeply rooted in Papua New Guinea’s culture and history, but it can lead to violence, particularly against women. Local public health experts are working to end this violence through education.  Belief in witchcraft and sorcery is deeply rooted in Papua New Guinea’s culture and history, but it can lead…

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