Belle II experiment reports the first direct measurement of tau-to-light-lepton ratio

Belle II experiment reports the first direct measurement of tau-to-light-lepton ratio

The Belle II experiment is a large research effort aimed at precisely measuring weak-interaction parameters, studying exotic hadrons (i.e., a class of subatomic particles) and searching for new physical phenomena. This effort primarily relies on the analysis of data collected by the Belle II detector (i.e., a general purpose spectrometer) and delivered by the SuperKEKB,…

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Denisovan DNA may help modern humans adapt to different environments

Denisovan DNA may help modern humans adapt to different environments

Highland and lowland populations in Papua New Guinea have different gene variants derived from Denisovan archaic humans, indicating possible adaptations for lower oxygen levels and higher malaria risk Highland and lowland populations in Papua New Guinea have different gene variants derived from Denisovan archaic humans, indicating possible adaptations for lower oxygen levels and higher malaria risk  New…

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Last Universal Common Ancestor Lived 4.2 Billion Years Ago: Study

Last Universal Common Ancestor Lived 4.2 Billion Years Ago: Study

The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the hypothesized common ancestor from which all modern cellular life, from single celled organisms like bacteria to the gigantic redwood trees descend. The post Last Universal Common Ancestor Lived 4.2 Billion Years Ago: Study appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.  The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the…

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TotalEnergies Uganda oil project ‘devastating’: conservationist

TotalEnergies Uganda oil project ‘devastating’: conservationist

Production has yet to begin, but TotalEnergies’ controversial East African oil project is already taking a dire environmental toll in Uganda’s largest national parks, a leading conservationist group said Friday. Production has yet to begin, but TotalEnergies’ controversial East African oil project is already taking a dire environmental toll in Uganda’s largest national parks, a leading…

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