High-selectivity graphene membranes enhance CO₂ capture efficiency

High-selectivity graphene membranes enhance CO₂ capture efficiency

Reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions is a crucial step towards mitigating climate change and protecting the environment on Earth. One proposed technology for reducing CO₂ emissions, particularly from power plants and industrial establishments, is carbon capture. Reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions is a crucial step towards mitigating climate change and protecting the environment on Earth. One…

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Exploring the possibility of probing fundamental spacetime symmetries via gravitational wave memory

Exploring the possibility of probing fundamental spacetime symmetries via gravitational wave memory

As predicted by the theory of general relativity, the passage of gravitational waves can leave a measurable change in the relative positions of objects. This physical phenomenon, known as gravitational wave memory, could potentially be leveraged to study both gravitational waves and spacetime. As predicted by the theory of general relativity, the passage of gravitational waves…

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Pongamia trees grow where citrus once flourished, offering renewable energy and plant-based protein

Pongamia trees grow where citrus once flourished, offering renewable energy and plant-based protein

An ancient tree from India is now thriving in groves where citrus trees once flourished in Florida, and could help provide the nation with renewable energy. An ancient tree from India is now thriving in groves where citrus trees once flourished in Florida, and could help provide the nation with renewable energy. Agriculture Phys.org – latest science and…

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What Do Bagged Chickens Have to Do With Sliced Cheese?

What Do Bagged Chickens Have to Do With Sliced Cheese?

Both have gotten caught up in fights over plastic packaging. When Costco recently tried to trim its plastic use by selling rotisserie chickens in bags, some shoppers disapproved. Both have gotten caught up in fights over plastic packaging. When Costco recently tried to trim its plastic use by selling rotisserie chickens in bags, some shoppers disapproved. Global…

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California fires spread in July 4 weekend heat wave

California fires spread in July 4 weekend heat wave

California firefighters battled multiple blazes in record heat Friday, with a new fire breaking out near the famous Yosemite National Park even as a larger inferno further north came under control. California firefighters battled multiple blazes in record heat Friday, with a new fire breaking out near the famous Yosemite National Park even as a larger…

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