Epigenetic insights: How hybrid poplar regenerates shoots

Understanding plant regeneration at the molecular level is pivotal for advancements in genetic transformation and genome editing. Previous studies have underscored the importance of DNA methylation in model organisms, yet the specific mechanisms in woody plants like hybrid poplar remain largely unexplored. Due to these challenges, it is essential to conduct in-depth research on the…

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3D-MAT, a thermal protection material for the Artemis Generation

The 3-Dimensional Multifunctional Ablative Thermal Protection System (3D-MAT) is a thermal protection material developed as a critical component of Orion, NASA’s newest spacecraft built for human deep space missions. It is able to maintain a high level of strength while enduring extreme temperatures during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere at the end of Artemis missions to…

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Desert poplar’s genetic blueprint: Insights into adaptation and survival mechanisms

Populus pruinosa is a relic species surviving in the harsh desert environments of western China and Central Asia. As global warming and desertification intensify, understanding the genetic mechanisms behind its ecological adaptation is crucial. Previous genomic resources were insufficient for comprehensive studies. Based on these challenges, there is a need to conduct in-depth research to…

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Cutting-Edge Cosmic Microwave Background Observatory Hits South Pole Stumbling Block

Cosmic Microwave Background Stage 4, a top-priority project for U.S. astrophysics, was designed to make breakthrough observations of the universe’s very earliest moments. Now the U.S. government says it can’t currently support the project’s construction at the South Pole  Cosmic Microwave Background Stage 4, a top-priority project for U.S. astrophysics, was designed to make breakthrough…

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Abelisauroid, a dinosaur with very tiny arms, identified in Argentina

A team of paleontologists from Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has identified a new species of abelisauroid dinosaur. They have named it Koleken inakayali. A team of paleontologists from Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones…

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Ambitious targets are needed to end ocean plastic pollution by 2100, analysis finds

A collaboration between researchers at Imperial College London and GNS Science, suggests that reducing plastic pollution by 5% per year would stabilize the level of microplastics—plastics less than 5 mm in length—in the surface oceans. A collaboration between researchers at Imperial College London and GNS Science, suggests that reducing plastic pollution by 5% per year would…

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Droplets that swim toward dissolution could inspire fluid microbots

Researchers discovered that microscopic liquid droplets swim toward solvent conditions that favor their dissolution. This mechanism may underlie some transport processes within living cells, and could be exploited to develop fluid micro robots. Researchers discovered that microscopic liquid droplets swim toward solvent conditions that favor their dissolution. This mechanism may underlie some transport processes within living…

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