How farming could change in a post-growth world

Degrowth, or the idea that we can save the planet by shrinking our economies, is ceasing to be a fringe concept. In the past years, green politicians across the EU have increasingly claimed the school of thought offers the best solution to the ecological crisis. Degrowth, or the idea that we can save the planet by…

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Dental enamel study suggests differences in Neanderthal and Paleolithic human childhood stress

Neanderthal children (who lived between 400,000 and 40,000 years ago) and modern human children living during the Upper Paleolithic era (between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago) may have faced similar levels of childhood stress but at different developmental stages, according to a study published in Scientific Reports. The authors suggest that these findings could reflect…

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Climate change will reduce streamflow in the upper Colorado river basin as groundwater levels fall, study finds

The Colorado River makes life possible in many Western cities and supports agriculture that sustains people throughout the country. Most of the river’s water begins as snowmelt from the mountainous watersheds of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, and a warming climate will drastically reduce these streamflows, new research finds. The Colorado River makes life possible in many…

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Study shows sexual parasitism helped anglerfish invade the deep sea during a time of global warming

Members of the vertebrate group including anglerfish are unique in possessing a characteristic known as sexual parasitism, in which males temporarily attach or permanently fuse with females to mate. Now, researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology on May 23 show that sexual parasitism arose during a time of major global warming and rapid transition…

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