New radio transients discovered with MeerKAT

New radio transients discovered with MeerKAT

Using the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, an international team of astronomers has detected 26 new Galactic radio transients. Most of them turned out to be rotating radio transients (RRATs). The finding is detailed in a research paper published Jan. 14 on the arXiv preprint server. Using the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, an international team…

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San Francisco coyotes adapt diet to urban landscape

San Francisco coyotes adapt diet to urban landscape

As their traditional dining options dwindle and natural areas give way to restaurants, homes and sidewalks, the coyotes of San Francisco are shifting what they eat. As their traditional dining options dwindle and natural areas give way to restaurants, homes and sidewalks, the coyotes of San Francisco are shifting what they eat. Plants & Animals Ecology –…

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