Revealed: The most and least common four-digit PIN numbers – so, is yours on the list?

An analysis of leaked databases from Information is Beautiful shows that people are still using common PIN numbers to protect their vital information.An analysis of leaked databases from Information is Beautiful shows that people are still using common PIN numbers to protect their vital information. An analysis of leaked databases from Information is Beautiful shows that…

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T.Rex was WARM-blooded! King of the Dinosaurs had the ability to internally generate heat – and was not cold-blooded like reptiles, study claims

Scientists say that T-Rex might not be the cold-blooded killer we once thought as evidence suggests that dinosaurs like it might have been able to generate heat.Scientists say that T-Rex might not be the cold-blooded killer we once thought as evidence suggests that dinosaurs like it might have been able to generate heat. Scientists say that…

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John Milton was a prude! Rare handwritten notes made by the famous English poet reveal how he dismissed a lewd anecdote as inappropriate

Experts have unearthed rare handwritten annotations made by the famous English poet, which include an example of ‘prudish censorship’.Experts have unearthed rare handwritten annotations made by the famous English poet, which include an example of ‘prudish censorship’. Experts have unearthed rare handwritten annotations made by the famous English poet, which include an example of ‘prudish censorship’.  Science…

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Why it pays to have a narcissistic boss: Companies run by women with a ‘bit of an ego’ are more successful (but the same doesn’t apply to men!), study finds

From YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki to Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg,many bosses of the biggest companies have been women. Now, a study has shed light on the secret of their success.From YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki to Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg,many bosses of the biggest companies have been women. Now, a study has shed light on the secret of their success. From…

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Creepy iPhone glitch causes pictures that were deleted YEARS ago to resurface – and affected users say they’re ‘thoroughly freaked out’

iPhone users have been left ‘thoroughly freaked out’ following a bizarre iPhone glitch this week.iPhone users have been left ‘thoroughly freaked out’ following a bizarre iPhone glitch this week. iPhone users have been left ‘thoroughly freaked out’ following a bizarre iPhone glitch this week.  Science & tech Articles | Mail Online

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Untreated sewage illegally pumped into Windermere

Millions of litres of raw sewage were pumped into one of England’s most famous lakes after a fault.Millions of litres of raw sewage were pumped into one of England’s most famous lakes after a fault. Millions of litres of raw sewage were pumped into one of England’s most famous lakes after a fault.  BBC News

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